Sunday, February 19, 2023

Report on Beth Israel vigil 02-18-23

Bringing the Holocaust to City Council

This writer addressed Ann Arbor City Council on February 6 in an attempt to pique some interest in facts that we assume are not taught in Michigan Public Schools (more on this later). In particular, we felt Council would be interested in the very beginnings of the rise of National Socialism in Germany, beginning with declaration of war BY Jews on Germany itself. Guided by the article “The Jewish Declaration of War on Germany” by Larry Romanoff in the Unz Review, we explained how organized Jewry declared a worldwide economic boycott on Germany, led by staunch Jewish Zionists like Samuel Untermeyer. Review full presentation below signature.

Silence from the Ann Arbor School Board?

On February 8, this writer addressed the Ann Arbor School Board for some information. Noting that the state of Michigan passed legislation in 2016 (Public Act 170) mandating the teaching of the “Holocaust” to high school students, we asked to be supplied with course curriculum, textbooks, assigned readings, guest speakers, etc. in the Board’s fulfillment of the state’s directive. We were informed by Superintendent Jeanice Swift at that meeting: “… I will make sure that you receive a contact from our social studies coordinator who's a very fine professional who will walk you through the information you've requested.” 

An email was sent to Ms. Swift the very next day, and a reminder sent four days later, but no return email. A phone call to her direct line also netted no callback. Granting her the benefit of the doubt, we conclude nothing from this silence, but plan to speak again at the next Board meeting.

Exposing yet another Jew-led peace group

After receiving another “ask” letter from Rebecca Levin of the “Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine”, we write back noting that the word “Jewish” does not appear in the letter in spite of the fact that the Jewish state is committing the crimes against the Palestinian people. Also, we asked what the purpose of bringing “anti-Semitism” into the discussion, since the term is mentioned five times in the letter. We offered a $50 contribution if CJPIP would merely answer the question: Does Israel have a right to exist as Jewish state?

To her credit, Rebecca did respond, but didn’t answer any of our questions. She wrote “I believe we are working towards the same ends”. A second letter asked if in fact we were working towards the same goals:

We are working for the peaceful dismantlement of the state of Israel. I don’t believe that goal is shared with CJPIP. We are working to expose Jewish Power, and I again don’t believe that is one of CJPIP’s goals. We are working towards identifying the Jewish-Israeli community as the aggressors in Palestine, and work to hold their American counterparts accountable for their support of Israel. We believe Israel has no right to exist, and make this claim every Saturday. CJPIP – from what I can gather – has “no opinion” on this vital question. We work to end Jewish supremacism in Palestine and expose the corrosive effect Jewish Power has on America. CJPIP – no comment.


1. Placing the word “Israel” in a peace group’s name legitimizes the racist state. Another agenda is afoot.

2. “Just peace” is a second tell: why – after 75 years of unbridled IN-justice does justice NOW play a role? We assume it’s there to protect – not hold accountable – the ethnic/religious group responsible for their crimes.

3. Any group purporting to work for Palestinians that brings up the subject of “anti-Semitism” should be questioned. Imagine a peace group in 1942 working for the liberation of Jews in concentration camps. Would anyone seriously caution against “anti-German” language? Puh-lease! 



  7-Jan   29-11
14-Jan   5-3
21-Jan   13-7
28-Jan   14-7
  4-Feb   8-4
11-Feb   9-7
18-Feb   9-4

Henry Herskovitz
Witness for Peace
47 Palestinians killed this year by “Israel”

February 6, 2023 [376 words]

Good evening,

On January 27, parts of the world celebrated International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Actually, that was just the official day of remembrance. The real remembrance day is every day of the year, and if you don’t believe that, merely create for yourself a Google Alert on the word “holocaust”. 

The reason for this daily reminding is to fix forever in peoples’ minds the eternal suffering and innocence of the Jewish people. 

Tonight, I’d like to focus on this alleged Jewish innocence. The innocence that is programmed into our minds by Hollywood, the media, campus statues and museums throughout America. We are taught that the National Socialists of Germany wished to exterminate the Jews for no other reason than that they were Jews. We are taught that Jews did nothing to deserve this extermination and were like innocent lambs being led to slaughter.

But maybe Jews in 1933 were not as innocent as we were led to believe. The headline of the March 24th edition of London’s Daily Express read “Judea declares war on Germany, Jews in all the world unite in action”

From the body of the article: “The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business, and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler’s people.” And this international call to boycott really was against the German people; Jewish elites knew that the boycott would cause the starvation – the deaths – of 30% of Germany’s population.

A Jewish newspaper called Natscha Retsch wrote: “The war against Germany will be waged by all Jewish communities, conferences, congresses... by every individual Jew. Thereby the war against Germany will ideologically enliven and promote our interests, which require that Germany be wholly destroyed.”

Samuel Untermeyer, President of the World Jewish Economic Federation, spewed falsehoods in his hate-driven speeches, designed to whip up support for this Jewish-led boycott. He said “Germany [has] been converted from a nation of culture into a veritable hell of cruel and savage beasts”

But in fact, this economic war by Jews against Germany in 1933 occurred long before there was any such thing as sanctions or reprisals of any kind against European Jews.

Innocent or aggressive? As the Ann Arbor News said today: “the past rediscovered”

Thank you,

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