Friday, June 21, 2024

Report on Beth Israel vigil 06-15-24

Special Guest Visits our Vigil

Ms. Diane King, of Hoaxbusters fame traveled from Texas to join Witness for Peace on June 1. Ms. King, along with her husband Jim Rizzoli hold their weekly Hoaxbusters show on SpeakFreeRadio every Saturday evening at 8pm. They often feature reports on our weekly vigils

A Less Welcome Visitor from the Black Gangster Disciples

On May 18, a black man walked among us and took pictures of our signs (perfectly legal). I asked if he had any questions and he replied he was gathering information for “the boss”. See the video of our interaction with him and determine for yourself whether this was a threatening encounter

An Angry motorist stops his car

Furious at the sign that reads “Israel attacked America 6/8/1967” this man flips off a WfP participant on June 8, then gets out of his car, ready for fisticuffs (?). See this video and make your own determination

Zyklon-B at Ann Arbor City Council meeting

Not the pellet form of the fumigant Zyklon-B, just the verbal kind. As Mayor Christopher Taylor reminds his audience, Public Commentary Reserve Time is for the public to address Council on “matters of municipal interest”. And we feel that the state of Michigan’s mandate that our high school students learn about the “Holocaust” is being used to mis-inform, rather than inform our students about this historical event. Click here to view the address from Council side of the camera (please fast forward to 23:13) and here to view it from our side, and observe paid civil servants either turn their backs or leave the room

Upsetting our own Councilman

Councilman Erica Briggs (Ward 5) is supposed to represent this writer. After hearing our presentation (text following signature), she commented:

I would just like to acknowledge how ghastly the last public comments were from the last speaker. And it was disturbing to listen to. So I hope we don't hear a repeat of that.

We have reached out to Councilman Briggs to acknowledge her feelings (which of course are hers alone) but ask WHY she feels the way she does. We do not anticipate a response, but one never knows … 



27-Apr   22-8
  4-May  37-8
11-May  20-10
18-May  27-7
25-May  31-7
  1-Jun    15-9
  8-Jun   20-10
15-Jun   16-7

Henry Herskovitz
Witness for Peace
Liberate Palestine. End Israel!

June 17, 2024 [350 words]

Topic: Holocaust Education in Ann Arbor Public Schools

Good evening,

From the text supplied to Ann Arbor’s High School students, we read: “Jews who were selected for death were told to undress for a shower and then led into a chamber with fake showerheads. After the doors were closed cyanide gas poured from the showerheads”

The teacher may suggest that the student check out the trademark name for hydrogen cyanide – then Zyklon B - and the student might turn to Wikipedia for information. He will read: “The product is notorious for its use by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust to murder approximately 1.1 million people in gas chambers installed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, and other extermination camps.”

The British author and former professor at University College, London - Nicholas Kollerstrom - disagrees. In this book, Breaking the Spell, he clearly admits the presence of gas chambers in these camps, but also clearly differentiates between the real fumigation gas chambers and the claimed homicidal gas chambers.

Typhus was the real killer of Jews, and the National Socialists were determined to minimize this disease, which is carried by lice. Zyklon B was the fumigant used in this process of disinfecting clothing and bedding for inmates in the camps. 

To distinguish between the real and claimed gas chambers, Kollerstrom quotes from studies done Engineer Fred Leuchter, followed by Chemist Germar Rudolf, and finally by the Polish government themselves. These studies examined the blue staining in the walls of the fumigation gas chambers and compared them with the walls of the alleged homicidal gas chambers

The results in all three cases were clear: the blue staining left by applications of Zyklon B was clearly notable in the fumigation chambers; in fact, the staining even penetrated through the walls, but was evident in only trace amounts in the alleged homicidal gas chambers. 

Kollerstrom additionally provides graphs which show inmate deaths *decreased* with increased shipments of Zyklon B to the camps, not increased as the Holocaust narrative would have us believe.

If Holocaust education is to mean anything, it is to separate truth from fiction. It is hoped our students get the opportunity to question both sides 

Thank you,

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