Monday, January 27, 2025

Report on Beth Israel vigil 01-25-25

Losing our most beloved vigiler

Sad to report that our dear friend and early-on vigiler Elaine Rumman passed away on December 11. She was one of those people who, upon meeting her, you couldn’t help but love. There are just a handful of people in this writer’s life that I could say: If you didn’t like Elaine, there’s something wrong with you. She saw that good in everybody, and unfortunately, imho, prevented her from identifying her oppressors. We miss you, Elaine.

Photo taken Oct. 4, 2024, Perrysburg, Ohio

City Council Learns about the Holocaust … or do they?

Ann Arbor City Councilmen turn their backs … again, but we address them because we believe it is in the City’s interest that our students are being taught truthful history lessons. And also, because the Liberation of Palestine is dependent on exposing the mendacity of the Holocaust narrative. 

On November 18, we discussed an article by Walt King, which agreed with our conclusion that challenging the Holocaust narrative is essential in liberating Palestine (video here, ffwd to 19:23 and text below signature)

On January 6, 2025, we introduce Council to the “Father of Revisionism”, the French high school teacher turned WWII activist, Paul Rassinier (video here ffwd to 16:09 and text below signature)

And on January 21, responding to comments by Councilwoman Jen Eyer at the Jan 6 meeting, we talk about how so-called “anti-Semitism” was manufactured out of thin air in 1913 at the trial of rapist/murderer Leo Frank in Atlanta (video here ffwd to 44:52 and text below signature)

Synagogue protests continue in Evanston, Illinois

Vigiler Clif continues his “one-man show” to Free Palestine at the Beth Emet synagogue near the campus of Northwestern University, which has banned him from protesting on campus. Where are the JVP activists from Chicago? Clif used to be a regular attendee at their events at Water Tower Place. He has created a blog from which readers here may view his progress: 
Daylight between America and Israel



  7-Dec  10-5
14-Dec  15-5
21-Dec  12-6
28-Dec  17-3
  4-Jan  13-2
11-Jan  20-9
18-Jan  9-11 (loss!)
25-Jan  10-8

Henry Herskovitz
Witness for Peace
Jews Out of Palestine – the Peaceful Solution

November 18, 2024 [367 words]

Topic: Holocaust Education in Ann Arbor Public Schools

Good evening,

I’d like to thank the few of you who have commented on previous discussions and have engaged with me in short email exchanges. In the past, some of you have turned your backs towards me as I speak, and I ask you to think of any other topic that would cause you to do so. I have witnessed speakers from this platform yell and scream at you. Call you names, single you out, accuse you of all sorts of things; yet you don’t turn your backs on them

What is so odious about this topic that causes you to do so? 

Although I’m clearly in the minority with those critical of standard narrative World War II history, I’m not alone. Though not part of mainstream media, there are quite a few journalists, podcasters, bloggers and authors who are advancing revisionist positions. 

Walt King is one such writer. His recent article is Auschwitz: Six Facts, and Seven Questions, written about a month ago. It’s somewhat of a technical article, written from his chemistry background and highlights the infeasibility of using unheated Zyklon-B to kill humans en masse
in Poland, where the average temperature is far below the gas’s boiling point.

But for me, what his article does is explain the *reason* to challenge the Holocaust Narrative. Not because he’s a vicious person, not because he’s a quote, anti-Semite, not because he wants anybody to die. But because … well, let me quote him:

Concluding thought, then. I think it is important to realize that Israel, with its long history of appalling conduct, now clearly having emerged as the world’s most abominable, barbaric, terrorist nation, feels wholly unconstrained by any humanitarian norms because of its supposed history of persecution; and that exposing the centerpiece of that history as a demonstrable fraud is an important step in an overdue act of reining it in and bringing its war criminals to justice. 

I’ve asked Council before: what other ethnic, or religious, group could get away with the genocide taking place in Gaza on our watch, other than the Jewish people. Personally, I conclude none; you may have other opinions. Certainly, I would respect them; one gains respect only by giving respect.

Thank you

January 6, 2025 [364 words]

Topic: Holocaust Education in Ann Arbor Public Schools

Good evening, 

Our high school students learn about Holocaust historians like Raul Hilberg and Deborah Lipstadt. We hope that they learn about Holocaust revisionists as well.

They need to know a French high school history teacher named Paul Rassinier, commonly referred to as the Father of Holocaust Revisionism. He was the first writer to question the initial atrocity reports coming from inmates who were interned in the same concentration camps as he was. 

A former communist and lifelong pacifist, Rassinier resisted the National Socialists after they occupied parts of France. In particular, he began to provide false documentation to Jews who wanted to travel to Switzerland to avoid the anti-Jewish measures initiated by the occupiers. As a result of his activism, he was arrested and deported to the Buchenwald Camp until liberation in April 1945.

The contrast between what he himself had experienced in Buchenwald, and what other former inmates published about this camp, made him a critic of their literature. The stories he heard did not comport with what he witnessed in the camps. As an example, he claimed that camp prisoners, who collaborated with the SS, were responsible for many of the atrocities committed there. 

He dismissed reports of homicidal gas chambers in Buchenwald and said so in his book “The Lies of Ulysses”. It is now admitted by all mainstream Holocaust historians that there were no such chambers at that camp.
One of the former inmates at Buchenwald was a man named Eugen Kogon, whose book – The Theory and Practice of Hell – was critiqued by Rassinier. Paul documented Kogon’s distortions, exaggerations and lies, and for that, Kogon sued Rassinier in a Munich court … and lost. The Court wrote: “Pure science does not inquire as to whether the result makes this person or that person uncomfortable.”

Paul Rassinier was not the typical quote “Holocaust Denier”. He was not a fascist; in fact, he fought against the National Socialists. He suffered horrific conditions as a slave laborer in the Buchenwald and Dora camps and barely survived. After the war, he received the highest decoration that the French government bestowed for service in the wartime resistance movement.

Our students need to know about Paul Rassinier … Thank you

January 21, 2025 [339 words]
Topic: A-1 Remarks on Council Minutes from Jan 6 Meeting
Good evening, 

On January 6, a councilmember read a defaming piece about me written by the Anti-Defamation League. Wikipedia says the ADL is a … Jewish organization ... founded to combat anti-Semitism, which is a false term, because European Jews are not Semites

How the ADL originated is an interesting and instructive story and shares commonality with the Holocaust. The ADL was created in 1913 because wealthy New York and Chicago Jews saw an opportunity to manufacture what they call anti-Semitism out of thin air.

A Jewish factory manager named Leo Frank was lynched by a white mob in 1915, and the ADL was created based on that fact. But what did Frank do to deserve such a fate? Well, two years prior, he brutally raped and murdered a 13-year-old white girl named Mary Phagan and tried to blame his heinous crime on a black man, the janitor at Frank's factory, Jim Conley.

Conley was the perfect patsy in this case: he had only a first-grade education and a long history of public drunkenness and petty crime. Yet the racist South in those years believed the word of a black man over that of a wealthy Jewish businessman. How could that be?

The answer is supplied by authors at the Nation of Islam, who wrote "The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man"
Was Frank lynched because he was a Jew? The book easily disproves that claim, noting that five members of the Grand Jury who investigated the case were Jews, and that these Jews never recanted nor regretted their decision. Anti-Jewish sentiment was virtually non-existent in Atlanta at that time. 

Frank was found guilty and the verdict stood, despite expert defense lawyers, copious sums spent and numerous appeals. When word got out that Georgia governor John Slaton was going to pardon him, outraged citizens who fondly remembered Little Mary Phagan, kidnapped Frank from his prison cell and hanged him, carrying out the court order with vigilantism.
The ADL and the Holocaust: two cash industries riddled with falsehoods Thank you 

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