Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Report on Beth Israel vigil 04-20-24

Speaking at the Institute for Historical Review

Two members of Witness for Peace traveled to San Diego last month and addressed an audience of about thirty people at the monthly meeting of the Institute for Historical review ( One of those in attendance provided two additional venues whose participants welcomed our point of view and in fact, expanded upon it. It was nice to know there are pockets of interested, intelligent and vocal people out there, and that WfP is not the only group addressing Jewish Power, the Holocaust, and other forbidden topics. See our presentation here.

Dumped by YouTube

Two days after our presentation at the IHR gathering I was informed that my YouTube channel was removed for violating unspecified “community standards”. We now move our videos to other platforms, which may be better suited to withstand Jewish pressure. 

Holocaust Education in the Ann Arbor Public Schools

We again addressed Ann Arbor City Council April 15 on the discrepancies between what is being taught to Ann Arbor high-schoolers and what the revised history of World War II teaches us.  See text of presentation after signature, and click here to view the presentation (advance to 58:35). Again, please note the “peace activists” who flee Council chambers, and the number of Councilmen who either leave the room or turn their backs during the talk.

Has Tucker Carlson crossed the line?

We have often thought of Tucker Carlson as “close, but no cigar”. For instance, were extremely disappointed when he interviewed and agreed with then presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who advocated assassinating the top 100 Hamas leaders and putting their “heads on stakes” at Gaza’s southern border.

But Tucker appears to have raised his credibility since interviewing Dr. Munther Isaac on April 9th and allowing the Pastor to freely speak the “J” word.  Dr Isaac clearly implicated Jewish groups in his discussion with Tucker:

Now, the biggest problem Christians are facing is in East Jerusalem, where they are constantly targeted by radical groups, radical Jewish groups. Let’s be clear. Sometimes some churches, they tried, there was an attempt to burn them. Often times. And this is you can look at it on social media, all over the place. Palestine, Christian clergy being spit at by, these groups. They write very offensive slogans on the walls. Strong incitement against Christians, especially in the old City, all of Jerusalem. 

Spitting on Christians and bombing of churches appears to have gotten Tucker’s ire up, as it has ours. Hopefully, he will continue to expose the anti-Christian nature of Judaism and the worldwide Jewish community.



16-Mar  26-7
23-Mar  20-7
30-Mar  25-5
  6-Apr   29-7
13-Apr   28-9
20-Apr  25-13

Henry Herskovitz
Witness for Peace
Liberate Palestine. End Israel!

April 15, 2024 [354 words]

Topic: Holocaust Education in Ann Arbor Public Schools

Good evening,

In fifth grade we were taught that there were five basic questions newspaper articles had to answer: Who what where why and when. “Why” is often omitted in historical events, and the Holocaust as presented to Ann Arbor students, either omits or distorts this basic question.

From the text supplied by the Ann Arbor Board of Education, we read: “The Nazis claimed that all non-Aryan peoples, especially Jewish people, were inferior.” This is a dishonest claim.

In his book Unfinished Victory, British author Sir Arthur Bryans writes that “although Jews represented less than 1% of the German population, they controlled 57% of the metal trade, 22% of grain and 39%of textile trade. More than 50% of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce was Jewish, as were an amazing 1,200 of the 1,474 members of the German stock exchange… During the Weimar Republic, the average income of Jews was three times that of non-Jews.”

These facts, and many more, fly directly into the face of the charge that Jews were somehow inferior. They clearly weren’t, but it fits into the false narrative that National Socialists targeted Jews because of who they were, rather than what they did. We see that today in Gaza: Hamas is similarly blamed for targeting Jews – AS JEWS – rather than resisting the 75-year genocide of Palestine by the Jewish state.

So what’s the real answer to “Why Jewish people were targeted by National Socialists”?

Peter Winter supplies us with clues in his book The Six Million; Fact or Fiction? He states that Jews in Weimar Germany were associated with extreme capitalist exploitation. Benton Bradberry enlightens us further in his book The Myth of German Villainy. In it he explains how Jews were the architects of the Versailles Treaty which brought financial ruin to post war Germany, and reminded readers that it was Jewish Zionists who brought the US into the Great War, and sealed Germany’s fate.

It makes more sense to understand these reasons explaining German fear and distrust of the Jews living within its borders, than it does to merely claim that Jews were hated simply because of who they were. 

Thank you,

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