Saturday, August 24, 2024

Report on Beth Israel vigil 08-24-24

Video history of recent vigils

This man’s family was “impacted” during WWII (June 22 vigil, time 0:42):   

A kind-looking, but potty-mouthed lady (July 6 vigil, time 0:20):

Jewish woman upset by conversation, turns to thievery (July 27 vigil, time 2:42):

Photographer doesn’t seem interested in a discussion (July 27 vigil, time 1:54):

Woman steals our “Lets Go Brandon” sign, gets apprehended (August 3 vigil, time 0:54):

Another silent photographer (what’s with these guys?), (August 3 vigil, time: 1:58):

Supremacist young Jew (August 17 vigil, time: 30:05):

This video exposes the supremacist mindset, in our opinion. Nothing we say, no fact presented, changes this fellow’s world. To him, Jews are intelligent and eternal victims. Lots of swallowed kool-aid here

Holocaust Education at Ann Arbor City Council meeting

Referencing Nick Kollerstrom’s Breaking the Spell; The Holocaust: Myth and Reality, we describe for Council the technical differences between the existing fumigation chambers and the alleged homicidal gas chambers. Click here to view. Please advance to 13:12 for our presentation, and to 26:00 for Councilmember Lisa Disch’s response. See text of presentation after signature

Councilmembers Do Respond

We wrote in our last report that we didn’t think Councilmember Erica Briggs would respond to our email reaching out to her. Technically, we were wrong, but her response was not substantive. 

That’s our opinion. We have included the email exchanges below with her, and also Councilmember Disch, so that our readers can reach their own conclusions. See these emails also after signature: 



22-Jun   21-9
29-Jun   19-6
  6-Jul    18-12
13-Jul    16-8
20-Jul    21-12
27-Jul    17-8
  3-Aug  16-6
10-Aug  26-9
17-Aug  17-7
24-Aug  29-13

Henry Herskovitz
Witness for Peace
Liberate Palestine. End Israel!
Ann Arbor City Council – Public Commentary
August 19, 2024 [380 words]

Topic: Holocaust Education in Ann Arbor Public Schools

Good evening,

I’d like to continue our discussion on the differences between fumigation gas chambers and the alleged mass homicidal gas chambers our students are being forced to learn about

My source again is Nicholas Kollerstrom’s Breaking the Spell; The Holocaust: Myth and Reality and I offer to purchase a copy of this book to each City Councilman here, although I won’t purchase it through Amazon, as it’s been figuratively burned

Council’s reactions to my talks are not unique. A friend claimed she stood in a homicidal gas chamber and when I informed her she stood in a post-war reconstruction of a gas chamber, she said: “This conversation is over”. They say you can’t argue someone out of a position they didn’t argue themselves into, and this is a prime example of that phenomenon 

The company that built the fumigation gas chambers was called Degesch, and they were very proud of their product because it efficiently saved lives, as was its purpose

The chambers featured a remotely controlled can opener that opened the cans of Zyklon-B, so that the operator wouldn’t have to wear a gas mask. The gas pellets were then dumped down a short chute into a waiting basket. Then the heaters were turned on, because hydrogen cyanide pellets are inert below its boiling point, which is about 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Then the fans came on to evenly distribute the gas so that it would reach the lice hiding in the clothing and bedding, which were hung in the room. 

After one to two hours the lethal gas was force-vented up a pipe and into the atmosphere. Then the chamber was ventilated with fresh air for 15 minutes after which it was safe to open. The clothing and bedding were hung outdoors to aerate, then returned to the camp inmates, bug free. 

The rooms of the alleged homicidal gas chambers have no such devices present: no induction chutes, no heaters, fans nor exhaust piping. Casual observation supports revisionist claims that rooms offered to the public in Germany and Poland are not and could not be the homicidal gas chambers they claim to be. My hope is that our students are being presented with facts like the ones I bring to Council tonight, so that they can draw their own conclusions. 

Thank you

Remarks made by Councilmember Briggs:

 I would just like to acknowledge how ghastly the last public comments were from the last speaker. And it was disturbing to listen to. So I hope we don't hear a repeat of that.

Dear Erica,

I don't doubt that you felt my comments were ghastly and disturbing on Tuesday

I was speaking on a matter of municipal interest: possible misinformation being supplied to our high school students on state-mandated Holocaust education

Since I spoke only on a short review of Nick Kollerstrom's book that countered the standard narrative of the Holocaust, I wonder why my comments provoked such reactions from yourself

Could you please take a minute to explain? Why do you find my comments so disturbing?

If you'd prefer an in-person discussion, please just let me know where and when

Thank you,
Henry Herskovitz
Ward 5 Constituent

Briggs, Erica
Sun, Jun 23, 6:00 PM (18 hours ago)
to me, alan, John

I don't want to revisit your comments, so I can't directly quote what you said. 

You consistently come to City Council to provide anti-Semitic public comment and engage in Holocaust denialism. This is not a matter of municipal interest, even if I subscribed to your beliefs,  the City has no control over AAPS. So I can only assume you like the platform of elevating your hate speech and enjoy prompting a reaction. 

 Last week,  your public comment focused on denying the horrors of what happened in the Nazi-run gas chambers. That is unconscionable. 

Dear Erica,

Thank you for responding to my email. The fact that you replied indicates some respect, a commodity in short supply these days. I've always been a fan of the motto: "To get respect one has to give respect". So thank you.

I hope you've differentiated my addresses to Council with those of others, who verbally castigate and abuse Council members. I've addressed Council over 100 times, and have never employed such disrespectful tactics. If you find that statement to be in error, I stand ready to apologize.

I believe it would be of Public Interest from Council's point of view if the Ann Arbor Public Schools were to teach our children that the earth is flat, or the two World Wars never happened. Council would definitely speak up (my opinion)

Every day I marvel when I watch the sun's trajectory overhead from East to West, and think of those brave souls Copernicus and Galileao who "denied" that the sun revolved around the earth and postulated the opposite. Today we know what we didn't "know" then

You are correct that I utilize Public Commentary as a platform to deliver what I feel is important information. I'm grateful that our City supports our First Amendment right to "... petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Finally, I'd like to mention that I love my sister and cousin, their children and grandchildren, who are Jewish. I also love many friends, like Alan Haber, who identify as Jews.

Again, thank you for your decency. I'd be happy to respond to your continuing thoughts on this matter

Best wishes

Henry Herskovitz

Email Exchange with Councilmember Lisa Disch:

Dear Councilmember Disch,

I would first like to thank you for actually listening to my Public Commentary address on Monday, August 19. I've transcribed your words (below signature) and with your permission, would like to ask you to identify any unfactual information I was trying to convey to Council

I take the opportunity to address Council seriously and if the information I bring is not correct, I'd like to be corrected and offer appropriate apologies. So, please tell me what exactly I said that was historically incorrect. I stand ready to be corrected

Secondly, you offered that my comments are not doing any good for anyone, and I respectfully disagree. It is of utmost municipal interest if we are teaching our children false information under our (Michigan) state-mandated teaching of the Holocaust. If they are to learn, they need to be provided with the most accurate information. I hope on that point we can both agree

Best wishes,
Henry Herskovitz
Ann Arbor


"Thank you, Mayor. I would like to - first of all - express my displeasure at having been treated to a detailed description full of some unfactual information but also full of really - you know - nauseating details when you imagine what was really happening in those chambers. And I really wish that that public commenting would stop. It's not doing any good for anyone."

Mr. Herskovitz,

I will do you the courtesy of not turning my back to you when you speak. 

I do not have time to satisfy your request for a "pro and con" dialogue on this topic. 


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