Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Report on Beth Israel vigil 08-20-22

Israel Behaving Badly? Gin up the Holocaust Industry!!

Who says the Holocaust has nothing to do with Palestine Liberation? Certainly not dedicated Jewish Zionists, that’s for sure. When the world starts to catch on that Jewish supremacism might be good for the Jewish state, but it’s not that beneficial to the rest of us, it’s time to fall back upon “The Trick”*: when Israel’s 75-year assault on the Palestinian population is noted, merely remind the world who the ETERNAL VICTIMS really are. 

Now Ken Burns is called to step up to the plate to shake down the US for what it allegedly failed to do to save the eternal victims in their hour of need. Produced by Jewish dominated Public Broadcasting Service, his new 6-hour series: “A history to be reckoned with; the U.S. and the Holocaust”, will re-train the American public beginning September 18. And while they’re at it, they plan to toss a 93-year-old Ursula Haverbeck into prison for violating someone’s sensibilities. 

No More Holocaust Movies, Mr. Burns! We’re tired of them.

* The Trick was exposed by former Israeli Minister of Education Shulamit Aloni: “… it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.” Source here.

Stewart Ain and the Jewish Daily Forward

Lawyer Marc Susselman uses the death of his client, Miriam Brysk, to launch an attack on Judge Victoria Roberts, and this story was covered by award winning veteran Stewart Ain in the Forward. I contacted Stewart via email and asked if he wanted to hear the other side of the story. Clever fellow, and a pretty decent guy, Stewart managed to steer the conversation more towards a personal history of our vigils rather than examining Susselman’s behavior, but produces a worthwhile article anyway. See if you agree.

Vandal still unidentified

The vandal pictured above attempted to damage our property on June 11 as we reported here. Our attempt to determine her identity via filing a FOIA request was denied. We appealed to Ann Arbor City Administrator Milton Dohoney Jr, who also denied the information we seek. He writes, however: “If you believe that you were the victim of a crime you are free to submit a complaint to the police department”. Readers may remember it was she who contacted the police, which places her as the one who’s identity allegedly needs protection. 

Taking the advice by Mr. Dohoney, however, we filed a vandalism complaint with the AAPD on July 21. No results so far, so if anyone can identify this woman, there’s a handsome reward in store for you.

Three short vigil videos

Video 1 features an Israeli woman telling us “My heart is with you.”  Video 2 exposes a foul-mouthed jogger, and Video 3 is yet a third woman who remains silent, offering us the opportunity to ask a few questions.



23-July  35-8
30-July  35-11
06-Aug   26-13
13-Aug  29-8
20-Aug  25-14

Henry Herskovitz

Witness for Peace
Outing Jewish Power for 18 years



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